Although when buying stainless steel cutlery, the merchant will have washing instructions, especially when shopping online. However, some store or stainless steel cutlery manufacturers will not specifically introduce them. So before buying knives, forks or spoons, learn about the basic rules of cleaning cutlery – which of them can be used in a dishwasher and which can’t.
Which cutlery can be used in a dishwasher?
The most important when choosing cutlery is to buy a high quality cutlery set. The more you invest in good cutlery, the longer you will use it. The quality guarantees a long product life – forks, knives and spoons will not tarnish and rust quickly. There is obviously a possibility of corrosion, however, the proper care of cutlery will significantly reduce the risk.
The Infull cutlery made of stainless steel 18/10
If you are going to load cutlery in a dishwasher, buy a set made of stainless steel 18/10. The Infull cutlery 18/10, made of high quality stainless steel with an admixture of nickel and chrome, looks really impressive. In the description of cutlery sets, the term "18/10" means that the chromium-nickel steel was used for the production of utensils. “18” means the percentage of chromium and “10” refers to the percentage of nickel. Chromium provides the increased corrosion resistance, whereas nickel is responsible for bright and glossy taint of steel.
How to care for cutlery made of stainless steel?
Very often you have to struggle with ugly stains on cutlery. In order to prevent them, dry utensils with a soft cotton cloth. Wipe cutlery thoroughly and gently polish them, not only after hand washing, but also after washing in a dishwasher. In addition, drying cutlery with a cloth prevent from appearing of corrosion. If we noticed some rust spots on knives or forks, use citric acid to remove them. Has your cutlery lost its shine? Prepare a solution of water and vinegar in the proportion: 9 tablespoons of vinegar and 1 l of water. Put cutlery to a pot and cook it for about 15 minutes. Another tried recipe for cleaning your cutlery is to put some olive oil and polish it. Tarnishing and discoloration is frequently the result of scale deposits. Use a mild detergent to remove spots. If cutlery is really dirty and we are not able to clean it during hand washing, try a professional spray for cleaning stainless steel. Don’t buy cleaning liquids with micro-granules. They can scratch the surface of cutlery. Remember that the more scratched cutlery, the harder it is to get rid of dirt on their surface.