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Update time : 2021-11-25 17:13:00

Cutlery etiquette – For those who want to know how to hold their stainless steel utensils properly.
Both Continental and American style are accepted in cutlery etiquette. The difference is that the American style of using utensils has a zigzag
sort of manner, leaving one utensil on the plate and switching hands to pick up the fork when putting the food in the mouth.
The Continental style eats with both utensils in hand until the meal is finished.
For countries that has western dining, Continental style is usually followed. Both methods are acceptable in these countries.
Cutlery will differ according to what is served. For instance, if there is pudding, a set of pudding utensils, a pudding spoon and fork will be set on the table.
Some fine dining restaurants seem to have a specific cutlery for everything. If in doubt, do not be shy to ask the waiter.

General Table Setting – Cutlery Etiquette

The general cutlery etiquette would be to use the cutlery from outside in.
Therefore, the table will be set the utensils to be used from ‘outside in’ so from the utensils you can tell what would be served.
Thus, if there is a bread plate and a soup soon, you will know that bread and soup will be served. If you find a pudding fork and spoon in between
your dinner fork and knife, then you know there will be pudding afterwards. Likewise, if there is no pudding after the main meal, then there will be no fork and spoon in-between. In this sense, if the general cutlery etiquette is observed, your table etiquette setting
is correct.

Cutlery or non cutlery?

Eating Bread

Do not use your fork and knife to cut the bread.
Use your fingers to break a small piece of the bread, butter it with your butter knife and use your fingers to put the buttered bread in your mouth.

Crudites or Canapes

Do not pick them either with your fingers or utensils from the communal plate and put them straight into your mouth. Set a few down
on your plate then slowly eat them.

Your Cutlery Collection

If you are stocking cutlery for your home, you can generally buy them in pre-prepared sets. For instance, a complete standard set from Infull Cutlery could contain: (46-Piece Flatware Set, Service for 8)
·  8 place knives,
·  8 place forks,
·  8 place spoons,
·  8 salad forks,
·  8 teaspoons,
·  1 tablespoon,
·  1 soup spoon,
·  1 sugar spoon,
·  1 meat fork,
·  1 butter serving knife,
·  1 pie knife